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FEDLINK has begun exploring new tools that can lead to a com

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FEDLINK has begun exploring new tools that can lead to a com

Postby admin » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:02 pm

FEDLINK has begun exploring new tools that can lead to a comprehensive comparative analysis of federal library holdings. This pilot project will test the tools by focusing on a discrete subset of federal library holdings: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) materials. The work of this pilot will serve as the foundation for a broader effort to analyze and compare federal library holdings. Participants from libraries with significant STEM holdings are needed. Participants will need to provide their respective library’s complete MARC bibliographic and holdings records for analysis. In addition, participants will be asked to join ongoing technical discussions related to interpreting and comparing data from different institutions. In return for participation, participants will receive analytic reports on their respective collections and data resulting from comparisons to other participant collections. The attached project overview document outlines the primary objectives and timeline for the project. If you are interested in participating, please contact Steve Short at
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