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Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plan

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:27 am
by admin
Dear Private Sector Partners,
Earlier this month, we invited you to provide input on four working drafts of the National Frameworks, and the initial draft of the Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plan, which are part of Presidential Policy Directive 8/PPD-8: National Preparedness. The National Frameworks, focusing on Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery, will clearly define key preparedness roles and responsibilities among all of our whole community partners.

The final National Disaster Recovery Framework was released in September 2011, and reflects input gathered through extensive outreach with more than 600 stakeholders representing federal, state, local and tribal governments, as well as public and private organizations. Since the release, forums have been held across the country to support development of the initial draft of the Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plan. This plan is intended to provide guidance across the federal government to successfully implement the Recovery Framework.

There is one week left to provide input and feedback on the draft Prevention, Protection, Mitigation and Response Frameworks and the initial draft of the Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plan. Visit and under “Latest Update” click on Draft National Frameworks. There, you can download the draft documents and accompanying comment matrix to submit your ideas. Then, e-mail (comments must be submitted via the provided comment matrix).

Feedback will be received through April 2, 2012. You can follow our progress at