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Last week, Vice President-elect Joe Biden sent a special mes

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Last week, Vice President-elect Joe Biden sent a special mes

Postby admin » Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:46 am

Last week, Vice President-elect Joe Biden sent a special message to the members of the Obama/Biden online community urging them to help fulfill a promise to help Hillary pay down her campaign debt. We really appreciate Joe Biden's help, and I know you're just as proud of Hillary as I am. Now we're looking to close this past chapter of Hillary's story as she begins a new one and we need your help.

Please take a look at Vice President-elect Biden's message and join him in helping Hillary.

Thank you so much for everything you have done.

Katie Dowd

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joe Biden
Sent: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 8:37 AM
Subject: Our commitment to a friend

Katie --

President-elect Obama and I have been assembling our team, and we plan to hit the ground running next month.

We want to be ready to go, and that's why I'm asking you to help us honor an outstanding commitment we made during the election.

Our campaign pledged to help Senator Hillary Clinton -- one of the vital members of our team and our future Secretary of State -- retire her campaign debt. That's the money her campaign owes to the vendors across the country that make our political process possible.

Barack and I had the deepest respect for Hillary as an opponent on the campaign trail. Her undeniable intellect, talent, and passion strengthened Barack as a candidate and tested our movement for change.

We welcome Hillary as a partner in our administration, and I hope you will show your support by helping Barack fulfill our campaign promise.

Will you make a contribution of $100 or more now to retire Hillary's campaign debt?

I saw your generosity and commitment to this team throughout the election, and I know we can do it.

In the general election, Hillary was one of our strongest advocates. She traveled the country and did more than 70 events, raising money and bringing new supporters into our campaign.

As Secretary of State, she will be indispensable in furthering Barack's agenda for change.

Let's welcome Hillary to the team and thank her for her efforts in support of our campaign by helping to retire her debt to the hard-working individuals and small businesses that were a part of the election:

Your support and generosity got us this far, and I know I can count on it now.

Thank you,

Site Admin
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