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A special holiday message

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A special holiday message

Postby admin » Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:31 pm

A special holiday message
« Thread Started on Dec 23, 2008, 1:18pm »

A special holiday message

"Happy Holidays"
Click here to view Dennis' Holiday Video ... &Itemid=76

Whatever your holiday tradition, from the Kucinich family to your family, I hope that this has been a blessed year, and I hope that the year ahead is one that causes you to have great hope.
This family is one that has had its trials and tribulations in the last year.
As you may know, I'm the oldest of seven, and two of my younger siblings, Perry and Beth Ann, are no longer with us. And that was a great deal of heartache for us in the last year. But we made it through it with your help and the help of friends from across the country who gave us the strength to keep on, and those of us who remain - the five Kucinich siblings - are very strong.
During this time of the year, when we remember those are passed and we come together as one big family, we're much like families all across this country who realize that the holiday season is so special, because it connects us to the deeper meaning of life, and it connects us to love, not just for those who are with us now but for those who have been part of our lives in a very significant way.
So I want to thank you for remembering our family throughout the year and also let you know that Elizabeth and I have been very grateful to have your ongoing support. This has been a very exciting year politically. With your help, I was re-elected to the United States Congress.
Now, Elizabeth is visiting with her family in England. My favorite picture is this one. It's the picture of our wedding. And we still have that kind of powerful love that newlyweds have. After three years, I suppose that's supposed to happen. But I can tell you that I feel very fortunate to have her as a wife and a partner. And in the coming year, we're looking forward to doing a lot of things together on economic issues that we'll keep you posted on. But she's someone who loves America, has really made a great contribution to our politics in the last few years, and is someone who has attracted a lot of attention for brilliance, her wit, as well her beauty.
The other picture I wanted to show you is this one. Now this picture shows Santa Claus with two children. It says "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas." And when you open it up, you see 1953 - Dennis Kucinich, Gary Kucinich, and, of course, Santa. That was my Aunt Betty who took us to the old Sterling-Lindner-Davis in Cleveland, where they had one of the biggest trees that I'd ever seen as a child that was part of that wonder and magic of the holiday season. I write about it in my book, "The Courage to Survive." Anyhow, 55 years ago. When Elizabeth and I got together with Gary and his family we looked at this card. And, you know, you measure not just the time and space of a holiday season but you also have an understanding of the power of family and how important it is at this time of the year to have the chance to be with family and those we love.
This is going to be an exciting year coming up. There will be lots to talk about, and I'm intending to include you in all of those discussions and in all of our plans for our country. But in the meantime, in this season of joy and this season of light and hope, from our family to your family, the best of this holiday season. Much love and much joy and celebrate.
Thank you.

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