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This week, we filmed the final TV ads that will air in Iowa

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:31 pm
by admin
This week, we filmed the final TV ads that will air in Iowa before January 3rd.« Thread Started on Dec 9, 2007, 12:38am » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------This week, we filmed the final TV ads that will air in Iowa before January 3rd. They will be finished within the next few days.We're raising $700,000 for our Iowa media fund to run these ads (which will become $1.4 million through matching funds) and need your help.We'll give a sneak preview of these ads to anyone who makes a contribution to the campaign this weekend -- no matter what amount. Donations of $15, $25, $50 and $100 are pouring into the campaign as people learn how much support and energy we're creating on the ground in Iowa -- will you join them?Be the first to see our new ads. Click here to contribute $15, $25, $50, $100 or more to the campaign today.+>> Remember, any contribution up to $250 will be matched by public funding. Your contribution will have twice the impact in Iowa, and you'll get an early look our new ads, by acting right now.Thank you for making something special happen,Joe Biden