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Our TV ads begin airing in Iowa this week. Supporters like y

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:25 pm
by admin
Our TV ads begin airing in Iowa this week. Supporters like you are literally changing the political landscape« Thread Started on Dec 10, 2007, 5:14pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our TV ads begin airing in Iowa this week. Supporters like you are literally changing the political landscape in this race -- because of the $15, $25, $50 and $100 contributions pouring into the campaign through our website, we're going head-to-head with the other campaigns in the final 24 days of this race.Tomorrow, we'll send a special link to anyone who has contributed to the campaign since Saturday so you can be the first to see our ads. But you have to act today.Be the first to see our new ads. +>> is it. We're pulling out all the stops. I'm grateful for your support in the past and honored to have you by my side as we head into the next 24 days. Help put our ads on the air across Iowa by contributing to our media fund today.Thank you,Joe Biden