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propensity for the misuse of power« Thread Started on Dec 12

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propensity for the misuse of power« Thread Started on Dec 12

Postby admin » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:57 pm

propensity for the misuse of power« Thread Started on Dec 12, 2007, 6:27pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Personal Message from Mike Gravel,As a United States Senator when our nation waged a war of choice in Vietnam, I became keenly aware of the awesome power of the United States, and the propensity for the misuse of power by political leaders who divorce the morality of our nation's policies from the morality expected of individual American citizens.Now, George W. Bush's pre-emptive war of choice in Iraq, fraudulently sold to Congress, the nation and the world, and his belligerent saber rattling toward Iran revisit this same moral question, destabilizing the Middle East and damaging America's credibility throughout the world.I am writing to ask that you join me to bring a strong voice of reason to the Democratic presidential primary campaign, to advocate bringing our troops home NOW, and to advance a political dialogue among voters and politicians to help find a new moral compass for our nation.For President Bush and his neoconservative advisors, the invasion of Iraq was only the first phase of an imperialistic plan to invade Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia and thereby gain effective control of the global oil market for America's corporate oil interests. The Iraq War was an intentional fraud on the American people--not an effort to root out Al Qaeda or promote democracy! In fact, it created more troops for Al Qaeda and poses a greater danger for Americans at home.The issue is not "stay the course," "cut and run," or "win." The facts show that Bush made a colossal, immoral mistake. His military adventure has destabilized Iraq and created a civil war, causing immeasurable suffering and death for Iraqis and for our troops. The solution is to admit the mistakes and get out, thereby avoiding further bloodshed--at least bloodshed caused by our military.America needs a fearless and reasoned voice to hold all accountable for supporting President George W. Bush in taking the U.S. to war and for the incompetence in prosecuting it--a voice that brings experienced analysis to tough issues--a voice that proposes solutions, not one that merely describes the problems or plays political games with the lives of U.S. soldiers and innocent Iraqis.I will be that voice!I am running for the presidency for two reasons: First: I want to end the Iraq War and reduce the potential for future wars. I will call upon the courage in all of us. I will not continue to expose the fear that many politicians use to strengthen their own authority and that of the military-industrial complex. Second: I'm happy the Democrats have gained control of Congress, although I see it as more a case of a Republican loss rather than a Democratic win. I agree with many political science analysts that major aspects of representative government are broken. Repeated cycles of voting on Election Day for politicians have not and will not correct the structural flaws of representative government that cry out for change. To expect the Democrats in office to correct the excesses of special-interest lobbying and the corrupting influence of money flies in the face of human nature.Since leaving elected office I have been working on a proposal that would make "We the People" an additional check in our system of checks and balances through the enactment of the National Initiative for Democracy ( a federal ballot initiative. Lawmaking, not voting, is the central power of government. The National Initiative will empower citizens as lawmakers, sharing the legislative power of government with elected representatives. There are only two venues from which to bring about fundamental change in our constitutional system: the government, wherein lies the problem, or the People. American voters can assert their implicit legislative powers by enacting the National Initiative, thereby equipping themselves to re-direct our national priorities. I promise to force a meaningful dialogue on change and to offer solutions to serious problems. I was a maverick in the Senate, and I assure you I will bring that same candor and independence to the White House. Please help me carry on in this fight to restore integrity and morality to Washington. Please make a donation today!Sincerely,Mike GravelP.S. If my message resonates with you, I hope you will make a contribution of $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or max out at $2,300.Thank you!+>>
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