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Majority Leader Hoyer: No More« Thread Started on Oct 22, 20

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:23 am
by admin
Majority Leader Hoyer: No More« Thread Started on Oct 22, 2007, 11:06pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Majority Leader Hoyer: No MoreBlank Checks for IraqToday’s Request Shows Difference in Priorities--------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Today, the President made his priorities clear by requesting almost $200 billion more to continue his stay-the-course strategy in Iraq. “The President says that providing health insurance to 10 million low-income children is too expensive, and he has chosen to fight Congress over targeted, responsible increases in priorities here at home like education, health care for veterans, and cops on the beat. Yet he has requested an additional $46 billion for Iraq, bringing the total to $196.4 billion for this FY08 'emergency' supplemental. Democrats will continue to fight for our priorities and send the President responsible appropriations bills while pushing for a new direction in Iraq.“While we all agree that our troops in the field must be given the resources they need, the American people clearly believe that the President’s Iraq policy is failing. Congress has a duty to review the President’s request carefully, and we stand by our pledge that there will be no more blank checks for his misguided policy in Iraq.” ###