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Listening to Iraqi Voices« Thread Started on Sept 13, 2007,

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:11 pm
by admin
Listening to Iraqi Voices« Thread Started on Sept 13, 2007, 9:48am » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Listening to Iraqi Voicesby Lisa Farino and Dal LaMagnaread at source> August, a delegation of peace activists, including Code Pink and YES! board member Dal LaMagna, traveled to Jordan to hear from Iraqi leaders what they think it would take to end the violence. It turns out, the Iraqi leadership have some pretty clear ideas, and LaMagna wanted to present them to people back in the United States. From more than 16 hours of video footage taken during the discussion, he compiled an interactive presentation in which Iraqis speak for themselves about the keys to restoring peace. The meetings also led to the Iraq Reconciliation Plan.In November, LaMagna returned to Jordan, this time with Congressman Jim McDermott of Washington state, to meet with members of the Iraqi parliament and also ambassadors and leaders from other Middle East countries.YES! Magazine associate editor Lisa Farino spoke with LaMagna about this strategy for bringing peace to Iraq. This interview is the second in a three-part series (part 1 here) about practical strategies for creating peace in Iraq.