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Democrats Speak Out for Spitzer « Thread Started on Aug 17,

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:48 pm
by admin
Democrats Speak Out for Spitzer « Thread Started on Aug 17, 2007, 9:09am » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Democrats Speak Out for Spitzer Karen DeWittread at source>§ionID=1ALBANY, NEW YORK (2007-08-15) Democrats this week have begun standing up for Governor Eliot Spitzer, in the face of continued news stories and developments about the scandal that's become known as "troopergate". In the days after the state's Attorney General issued a report that found two of Governor Spitzer's aides misused the state police to try to embarrass the Republican Senate Majority Leader, Joe Bruno, few Democrats spoke up in Spitzer's favor. Now, weeks after continuous news stories have raised concerns about whether the governor and his aides have answered all of the questions surrounding the incident, and even whether they even tried to cover up some of their actions, Democrats in the state have begun mobilizing.