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Touch-screen voting machines must go« Thread Started on Apr

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:09 pm
by admin
Touch-screen voting machines must go« Thread Started on Apr 3, 2007, 5:47pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Touch-screen voting machines must goBy ANURADHA PANDEYSpeaking Outread at source> the end of the semester finally approaching, it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to be cynical. So I must point out how Gov. Charlie Crist has proven himself to be an agreeable, trustworthy Republican when I thought they didn't exist anymore. Crist has been pushing to have the touch-screen voting machines in 15 Florida counties replaced with optical scanning voting machines. Jokes about Florida's Election Day issues aside, Crist has showed that he actually cares about the democratic process - unlike most of his Republican peers. The optical voting machines scan paper ballots and record votes. They leave a paper trail, unlike touch-screen machines, which record the votes electronically.