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Democrats must articulate values« Thread Started on Apr 12,

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:00 pm
by admin
Democrats must articulate values« Thread Started on Apr 12, 2007, 11:06pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 10, 2007 at 09:18:06Democrats must articulate valuesby Robert Chapman Page 1 of 2 page(s) http://www.opednews.comread at source> ... tic.htmThe continuing moral and political collapse of the GOP makes it necessary to consider how we Democrats should to treat GOP voters disgusted with the corruption and incompetence of their current leadership. I cannot see how it is the duty of the Democratic Party to provide them a choice.They are already telling each other that they have lost their way and need reforming.They even have the reformer they need in former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.We Democrats have a different mission.Our purpose is not to oppose the GOP; our mission is to build a durable center-left governing majority during the next decade.This means that our inspiration, our ideals, our governing methods and our values will come from the left, but our numbers, financial support, rank and file and political clout will come from liberals and moderates who are sympathetic to us and for whom we advocate.Our core constituencies will be working women; people of color, salary men and wage earners.These are the people who need the protections and stabilizing influence that community and worker oriented government can provide.These are the people who will be willing to reject market-oriented values in favor of community-oriented values.