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A New Way, A New Politics, A New America

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:18 pm
by admin
A New Way, A New Politics, A New America
Dear Friend,

Our politics are locked into an old way of thinking which leads to intractable political conflict here at home and military conflict abroad. That thinking is "US versus THEM, whoever they are." The polarization we see in our politics is a direct result of such dichotomous thinking. Such thinking is built on an oppositional view: "You are either for someone or you are against them"; "either with us or against us."

I mention this because yesterday I filed for Congress in the New Ninth district. Much of the subsequent reporting had to do with "Kucinich runs against..." another Congressperson, who is my friend. As if it is not possible to run FOR something. When I run for office I do not think in terms of any other candidate, or what he or she may say or do. I think about what I want to do for those I hope to serve.

This election is about whether, as we face a new year, we can show America a new way. It is about whether we can inspire people to see the potential of an America which stands for peace, jobs, social and economic justice.

In less than 70 days, voters in my new district will decide whether the vision and the results we offer will be satisfactory to the direction they want to see America go. You get to decide now with your contribution to our efforts. We're just hours away from a critical fundraising deadline.

Please click here to donate to our campaign now.
Help us finish this year with a strong statement about the need for a new way, a new politics, a new America.

Thank you.

Dennis Kucinich