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Daily newsbrief journal for June 2010
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Postby admin » Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:29 pm



House Meets At… First Vote Predicted… Last Vote Predicted…

10:00 a.m.: Legislative Business 10:30 a.m. Evening

***Members are advised that votes could occur as early as 10:30 a.m.

“One Minutes” (15 per side)

H.Res. 1487 - Same Day Consideration Rule - Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules (Rep. Slaughter – Rules)

Conference Report on H.R. 4173 – Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 (Rep. Frank – Financial Services) (Subject to a Rule)

Possible Consideration of H.R. 5618 - Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act (Rep. McDermott - Ways and Means) (Subject to a Rule)

Suspensions (11 Bills)
H.R. 5609 - To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to treat as a foreign national under such Act any registered lobbyist whose clients include foreign governments which are found to be sponsors of international terrorism or include other foreign nationals (Rep. Hall (NY) - House Administration)
H.R. 5503 - Securing Protections for the Injured from Limitations on Liability Act (Rep. Conyers - Judiciary)
H.Res. 1321 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the political situation in Thailand be solved peacefully and through democratic means (Rep. Faleomavaega - Foreign Affairs)
H.Res. 1405 - Congratulating the people of the 17 African nations that in 2010 are marking the 50th year of their national independence (Rep. Rush - Foreign Affairs)
H.Res. 1412 - Congratulating the Government of South Africa upon its first two successful convictions for human trafficking (Rep. Smith (NJ) - Foreign Affairs)
S. 3104 - Permanently authorizing Radio Free Asia (Sen. Lugar - Foreign Affairs)
H.Res. 1462 - Expressing support for the people of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador as they persevere through the aftermath of Tropical Storm Agatha which swept across Central America causing deadly floods and mudslides (Rep. Mack - Foreign Affairs)Senate Amendments to H.R. 3360 - Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act (Rep. Matsui - Transportation and Infrastructure)
H.Con.Res. 289 - Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.R. 3360 (Rep. Cummings - Transportation and Infrastructure)
H.Con.Res. 290 - Expressing support for designation of June 30 as "National ESIGN Day" (Rep. McDermott - Energy and Commerce)
H.R. 5610 - Independent Living Centers Technical Adjustment Act (Rep. George Miller - Education and Labor)
Postponed Suspension Votes (10 Bills)
H.Con.Res. 284 - Recognizing the work and importance of special education teachers (Rep. Sessions - Education and Labor)
H.R. 5395 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 151 North Maitland Avenue in Maitland, Florida, as the "Paula Hawkins Post Office Building" (Rep. Mica - Oversight and Government Reform)
H.R. 4505 - To enable State homes to furnish nursing home care to parents any of whose children died while serving in the Armed Forces (Rep. Thornberry - Veterans' Affairs)
H.Res. 1446 - Recognizing the residents of the City of Tracy, California, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the city's incorporation, for their century of dedicated service to the United States (Rep. McNerney - Veterans' Affairs)
H.Res. 1228 - Honoring the veterans of Helicopter Attack Light Squadron Three and their families (Rep. Boozman - Veterans' Affairs)
H.R. 4307 - To name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Artesia, New Mexico, as the "Alejandro Renteria Ruiz Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic" (Rep. Teague - Veterans' Affairs)
H.R. 1554 - Fountainhead Property Land Transfer Act (Rep. Boren - Natural Resources)
H.R. 4445 - Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Clarification Act (Rep. Heinrich - Natural Resources)
H.R. 2340 - Salmon Lake Land Selection Resolution Act (Rep. Young (AK) - Natural Resources)
H.Res. 1460 - Recognizing the important role pollinators play in supporting the ecosystem and supporting the goals and ideals of National Pollinator Week (Rep. Hastings (FL) - Agriculture)

* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.
* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.
* Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.
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