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Get it to the President

Daily newsbrief journal for June 2010
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Get it to the President

Postby admin » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:39 pm


Friend --

Congress is expected to cast its final votes on historic Wall Street reform as soon as today.

So much has happened in the past year that it's easy to forget how much OFA supporters have done to get to this point.

In key districts around the country, we organized to win a 223-202 vote in the House last December. OFA supporters poured in nearly tens of thousands of calls to Capitol Hill offices the day before last month's vote to get it through the Senate.

This is your bill -- the strongest and boldest overhaul of the financial system since the aftermath of the Great Depression. It's the change we fought the big banks to make -- and we've almost won.

What happens before these final votes will determine if this once-in-a-generation legislation makes it to the President's desk. That's up to us. We need to make sure the champions in Congress who've worked with the President to pass this bill know we're supporting them -- and that those in opposition hear our call for reform.

Tell your representatives you strongly support Wall Street reform -- and that they'll have your thanks if they do the same.


Reform will increase security for all Americans by forcing credit card, mortgage companies, and predatory lenders to play by the rules instead of exploiting consumers with hidden fees and pages of fine print.

It establishes a new, independent agency -- the Consumer Financial Protection Agency -- whose sole job is to protect consumers. And it ensures American taxpayers will never again be asked to bail out the big banks that are "too big to fail."

But these changes will only happen if the President can sign it into law. We all need to get the bill to him.

Write a letter to your members of Congress now:



Yohannes Abraham
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Organizing for America
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